The Benémola fountain is a spring of water that appears next to a small stream, in a place that, due to its beauty, had received several landscaping arrangements and frameworks. The “eye” of the spring, when with all its vitality, bubbles below the rocks, in a small lake located next to the stream.
The hiking trail allows you to walk the dirt tracks and trails located along the small water course in a circular path located in the middle of the Algarve barrocal, more specifically in the Union of Parishes of Querença, Tôr and Benafim, in Loulé.
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Being circular, the visitor can start the route in any place, however, at the entrance of the dirt road that leads to Benémola Fountain there is a small parking lot, close to an old lime kiln. You can start here and follow the dirt road. It is also possible to take the car along this path to a second parking lot, located closer to the fountain.
At the end of the path you will find the stream and the entire fountain area. The various arrangements came to create a water mirror, which attracts tourists and the curious, as well as small bridges that allow you to pass to the other side of the stream.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Hiking trail Map[/zt_title]
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[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]How to arrive[/zt_title]
The Benémola Fountain site can be accessed either from Loulé, towards Salir or Querença. If you go towards Salir, you should turn right at the crossing road from Tôr to Querença. This intersection is also the access to the new Ombria Resort. Following the road you will find the access on your left side.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]The path[/zt_title]
[zt_i classIcon=”fa fa-arrow-right” iconSize=”16″ iconCircle=”no” spinningIcon=”no” iconColor=”#000000″ iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBdColor=”#000000″][/zt_i] Distance: 2.5 miles
[zt_i classIcon=”fa fa-arrow-right” iconSize=”16″ iconCircle=”no” spinningIcon=”no” iconColor=”#000000″ iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBdColor=”#000000″][/zt_i] Type of route: Circular
[zt_i classIcon=”fa fa-arrow-right” iconSize=”16″ iconCircle=”no” spinningIcon=”no” iconColor=”#000000″ iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBdColor=”#000000″][/zt_i] Technical difficulty: Easy.
[zt_i classIcon=”fa fa-arrow-right” iconSize=”16″ iconCircle=”no” spinningIcon=”no” iconColor=”#000000″ iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBdColor=”#000000″][/zt_i] When to visit: The best time will be in the spring and early summer, when the water courses will still have water. General rule, during the summer the source and the watercourse almost dry or even dry.
[zt_title type=”single-border”]Loule Hotels[/zt_title]
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