Because the current pandemic situation, various countries worldwide are taking several restrictive measures to prevent contagion and the spread of some variants of the virus. This situation is far from being concluded and sometimes some measures are taken in a drastic and sudden way.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Worldwide travel restrictions map[/zt_title]
One Website that gathers up-to-date information on entry restrictions by air in the various countries of the World is the Kayak restrictions. By the information we know and comparing with that of the website, the restrictions presented are correct and should be updated constantly. The portal is managed by Kayak, a platform for the sale of flights and accommodation. It can be accessed at the following link.
[zt_button color=”#ffffff” bgColor=”#2d41f7″ borderStyle=”none” size=”md” shape=”rounded” style=”default” textTransform=”capitalize” link=”” target=”_blank”]KAYAK TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS MAP[/zt_button]
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The information on the portal, by country, also refers to:
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} Epidemiological data and virus transmission rate;
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} National travel and security measures and quarantine requirements;
The website was created when Europe started to leave the first confinement, but it is now an important tool for everyone who needs to travel.
[zt_button color=”#ffffff” bgColor=”#2d41f7″ borderStyle=”none” size=”md” shape=”rounded” style=”default” textTransform=”capitalize” link=”” target=”_blank”]RE-OPEN EU[/zt_button]
In addition to the website, the information is available in a mobile application format for Android and IOS.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Explore the Next Trip[/zt_title]
{source}<script src=”//¤cy=eur&locale=en&powered_by=true&min_lines=3&show_logo=true&country_iata=EN” charset=”utf-8″></script>{/source}
[zt_title type=”double-border”]Plan your trip using the following tools and / or websites[/zt_title]
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[zt_i classIcon=”fa fa-arrow-right” iconSize=”16″ iconCircle=”no” spinningIcon=”no” iconColor=”#000000″ iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBdColor=”#000000″][/zt_i] To find the best hotels rates, use the Booking. It is one of the best booking websites for hotel stays. To compare prices for stays you can use the Hotels Combined or hotellook. These search engines show the different prices of other websites to the same destination. If you need to travel by plane, search for flights on a price comparator. Highly recommend is the jetradar. To search for activities you can access this existing comparator on the scannertrip. Transfers to and from the airport can be purchased through the website kiwitaxi. So you do not need to get in touch with the different companies in your destination looking for the best price. To find the best car rental price you can use the autoeurope website that compares the prices of different companies.
[zt_i classIcon=”fa fa-arrow-right” iconSize=”16″ iconCircle=”no” spinningIcon=”no” iconColor=”#000000″ iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBdColor=”#000000″][/zt_i] Using the links above and the tools on the website you will helping to keep Scannertrip. For the use of this links and tools you will not pay more for it but for Scannertrip will makes all the difference!
[zt_title type=”single-border”]Compare the prices for your stay[/zt_title]
[zt_box_content][zt_box_content_item boxBgColor=”#ebe8e8″ iconColor=”#2c2c2c” iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBorder=”0″ iconBorderColor=”#f26c4f” iconSize=”0″ iconTop=”0″ iconBottom=”0″ iconFontSize=”0″ title=”Search and Compare Flight Rates” link=”” linkText=”Search Now” linkColor=”#ffffff” linkBgColor=”#f26c4f” linkColorHover=”#333333″ linkBgColorHover=”#eeeeee” column=”6″]Flight compare tools show the diferent prices from origin and to the same destination[/zt_box_content_item][zt_box_content_item boxBgColor=”#ebe8e8″ iconColor=”#2c2c2c” iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBorder=”0″ iconBorderColor=”#f26c4f” iconSize=”0″ iconTop=”0″ iconBottom=”0″ iconFontSize=”0″ title=”Search and Compare Hotel Rates” link=”” linkText=”Search Now” linkColor=”#ffffff” linkBgColor=”#f26c4f” linkColorHover=”#333333″ linkBgColorHover=”#eeeeee” column=”6″]With this tool you can search and compare the prices from many hotel booking websites[/zt_box_content_item][/zt_box_content]
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