The cancellations and postponements were part of the first months of the pandemic in our country. However, with the opening of the trade and the lifting of some restrictions, we can start thinking about the much desired holidays. Portugal, like other countries in the European Union, is preparing to open its borders and receive tourists who want to visit our country and encourage a sector of society that has been very afected due to the pandemic.
Both foreign visitors and nationals will visit a country a little different from what they found before. There are many rules, rules in all services, establishments and even on the beaches that must be respected so that the pandemic does not hit us again.
So let’s get to know some rules that we all have to know and follow. These are rules that concern Portugal. It is advisable, if you are going to travel to a foreign country to find out about the rules and restrictions in that country.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]General rules and regulations[/zt_title]
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}In Portugal, the use of a mask is mandatory in all closed spaces. Thus, from the plane, airport, public transport, commercial spaces, restaurants, museums and café, the use of masks will always be mandatory.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}At the entrance to the various spaces, all visitors must disinfect their hands with alcohol gel solutions.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}In outdoor spaces with a large number of people, the use of masks is also recommended.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}The beaches, whether sea or river, will have maximum capacity indicated by a red, yellow or green sign.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}All the closed spaces started to have a reduced capacity and the waiting started to be done at the door.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}You should purchase all tickets and tours in advance. Avoid waiting in lines.
General Direction of Health in Portugal regularly publishes guidelines that can be consulted on its website through the link below, some of them are in english.
[zt_button color=”#ebe4e4″ bgColor=”#2d41f7″ borderStyle=”none” size=”md” shape=”rounded” style=”default” textTransform=”capitalize” link=”” target=”_blank”]DGS guidelines[/zt_button]
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Hotels[/zt_title]
To make the visitor feel more confident in the accommodation, a “Clean & Safe Establishment” seal was created, assigned to establishments that comply with the new safety and hygiene measures. When choosing a hotel that has this seal, we have at least the guarantee that the establishment has made some changes to its operation in order to reduce the likelihood of contagion by Covid-19. Among the most publicized changes are the following:
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}Greater disinfection of common spaces;
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}More careful cleaning of all touch spaces;
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}In some hotels the rooms are always empty one day between the guests leaving and entering;
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source}In some hotels the meals can be taken in the rooms and there is no buffet service.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Search your accommodation[/zt_title]
{source}<cpnb data-cpnb-cookie-category-id=”third-cookies”><script charset=”utf-8″ src=”//″ async></script></cpnb>{/source}
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]And how to be updated about the epidemic situation[/zt_title]
Every day, both Portugal and all the countries in the world disclose their current situation. In the case of Portugal, this disclosure can be consulted at the link indicated below. It should be noted that in the case of Portugal there are and always have been regions in which the number of cases was much higher than in others, since if we assume that the fewer cases there is, the less likely it is that we will be sick this may be a factor to have attention when thinking about destiny.
[zt_button color=”#ebe4e4″ bgColor=”#2d41f7″ borderStyle=”none” size=”md” shape=”rounded” style=”default” textTransform=”capitalize” link=”” target=”_blank”]Covid-19 number of cases[/zt_button]
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Travel insurance[/zt_title]
{source}Photo on <a href=”″></a>{/source}
Pandemic insurance may seem like a good idea as holidays may be canceled, interrupted or you may even get sick. However, it is practical in all travel insurance to have an exclusion clause when a pandemic situation is declared or when having become ill this is due to an infectious disease due to a pandemic.
With this in mind, you can contact your insurance company or travel agency and ask if there is any good insurance in this situation. However, you need to be very careful about purchasing insurance.
But if you are considering a trip through India or other countries in that region and looking for tips or information you can search in travelofina travel blog.
[zt_title type=”single-bottom”]Plan your trip using the following tools and / or websites[/zt_title]
<div id=”div_info”>
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To find the best hotels rates, use the Booking. It is one of the best booking websites for stays.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To compare prices for stays you can use the Hotels Combined or hotellook. These search engines show the different prices of other websites to the same destination.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} If you need to travel by plane, search for flights on a price comparator. Highly recommend the jetradar.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To search for activities you can access this existing comparator on the scannertrip.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} Transfers to and from the airport can be purchased through the website kiwitaxi. So you do not need to get in touch with the different companies in your destination looking for the best price.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To find the best car rental price you can use the autoeurope website that compares the prices of different companies.
Using the links above and the tools on the website you will helping to keep Scannertrip. For the use of this links and tools you will not pay more for it but for Scannertrip will makes all the difference!
[zt_title type=”single-border”]Compare the prices for your stay[/zt_title]
[zt_box_content][zt_box_content_item boxBgColor=”#ebe8e8″ iconColor=”#2c2c2c” iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBorder=”0″ iconBorderColor=”#f26c4f” iconSize=”0″ iconTop=”0″ iconBottom=”0″ iconFontSize=”0″ title=”Search and Compare Flight Rates” link=”” linkText=”Search Now” linkColor=”#ffffff” linkBgColor=”#f26c4f” linkColorHover=”#333333″ linkBgColorHover=”#eeeeee” column=”6″]Flight compare tools show the diferent prices from origin and to the same destination[/zt_box_content_item][zt_box_content_item boxBgColor=”#ebe8e8″ iconColor=”#2c2c2c” iconBgColor=”#000000″ iconBorder=”0″ iconBorderColor=”#f26c4f” iconSize=”0″ iconTop=”0″ iconBottom=”0″ iconFontSize=”0″ title=”Search and Compare Hotel Rates” link=”” linkText=”Search Now” linkColor=”#ffffff” linkBgColor=”#f26c4f” linkColorHover=”#333333″ linkBgColorHover=”#eeeeee” column=”6″]With this tool you can search and compare the prices from many hotel booking websites[/zt_box_content_item][/zt_box_content]
[zt_columns][zt_column md=”6″][/zt_column][zt_column md=”6″][/zt_column][/zt_columns]
[zt_title type=”single-border”]Search your Stays[/zt_title]
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