Located in an area of the Sintra Hills, farther away from the exuberants palaces the convent is an authentic contrast to the luxurious of the other monuments.
Convent Entrance
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{fa-map-marker } Where it is located
The Convent of the Capuchos is located on the national 247-3, deep inside the Sintra Hills, in an isolated area.
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{fa-map-marker } The Convent
The old convent is an appeal to simplicity and life in connection with nature. It is an old Franciscan convent, completely devoid of luxury and comfort, having been built in full communion with nature, as the various natural elements that existed there were not removed, but merged with the construction of the convent.
It is worth noting the fact that it is an old convent devoid of all comfort, since if you go to visit the convent with the expectation of finding a large monument with furniture or decoration inside. These are old houses without of any type of furniture or architectural style. Your visit is basically a journey into the lifestyle of who lived there.
When we made our visit and were faced with a set of houses lost in the mountains, we were initially unmotivated by the monument. However, after walking through the houses and realizing the simplicity in which the friars lived, we recognized that the visit is worth it, however it has to be seen in a different way.
The convent was designed by D. João de Castro who thought of building a temple dedicated to the practices of introspection and contemplation, having been promoted in 1560 by his son, D. Álvaro de Castro. For 250 years the convent was inhabited by Franciscan friars, until 1834, when in Portugal the Religious Orders were extinguished.
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{fa-map-marker } Price and how to get there?
The price list for the Palace of Monserrate can be found here. You can also purchase online.
Access to the palace can be done by car.
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{fa-map-marker } Where to find your Stay?
The village of Sintra and its surroundings have many places to stay overnight or for holidays. From the best hotels in old farmhouses and palaces to local accommodations, there is plenty to choose from. Use the following Booking tool to be able to choose the best accommodation by location.
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Or get inspired by the following most popular accommodation in Sintra.
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