Built between 1904 and 1910 and located in the historic center of the village, it is a must-see on any visit to Sintra. Its Palace, with a romantic structure, is the work of the Italian architect Luigi Manini, also the author of the Buçaco Hotel Palace, with Roman, Gothic, Renaissance and Manueline influences. The gardens surrounding the palace are exceptional due in part to their caves, ponds and enigmatic constructions.
The garden is the representation of the microcosm in a paradisiacal environment that denies the existence of an inferior world. Each element exists for a reason, although they are often enigmatic.
Walk through the park and explore all corners, lakes, towers, tunnels and wells – the initiatic well is one of the most photographed in the world.
{fa-map-marker } Location Map
A Quinta da Regaleira situa-se a poucos metros a pé do centro histórico de Sintra.
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{fa-map-marker } The Palace
The neo-Manueline palace was the summer residence of the Carvalho Monteiro family and consists of 3 floors and some rooms and spaces that can be visited freely, such as the Renaissance room, the hunting room or the Kings room.
{fa-map-marker } The Garden
The garden seeks to be a representation of the cosmos, full of places and objects imbued with meaning, mystery and magic. Paradise is materialized by coexisting with an underground dantesque world, represented here by caves, tunnels and wells. Thus, throughout the garden there are references to Olympus, Dante, Camões, the Templar mission of the Order of Christ, among others.
In the garden we also find a neo-Manueline chapel.
{fa-map-marker } The underground route
The underground route consists of several tunnels excavated under the garden and accessed through the Oriente Cave, Portal of the Guardians, Initial Well or Imperfect Well.
Imperfect Well
Portal of the Guardians
The initiatic well is an inverted tower about 27 meters deep and can be traversed through a spiral staircase.
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{fa-map-marker } When visit?
The village of Sintra is a tourist attraction for all who visit the country and also the capital. Quinta da Regaleira is also one of the most visited monuments in Sintra, so if you prefer a visit with less people, the best time will be between autumn and spring. In fact, if you live in Portugal, it will not be difficult to find a weekend with good weather for a walk through Sintra and Quinta da Regaleira. But remember that Sintra has a microclimate weather.
In summer, the mountains will be full of tourists, and the heat on the area can make waiting to enter in monuments or even in the narrow streets of the village painful.
{fa-map-marker } Price list and how to arrive?
The price list for Quinta da Regaleira can be consulted here. There is the possibility of visits with audio guides or guided tours in several languages.
Quinta da Regaleira is located close to the historic center of the village, within walking distance. The village is located about 30 km from the center of Lisbon and is easily accessible by car. In addition, you can also opt for regular trains on the Sintra line or through numerous organized visits.
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{fa-map-marker } Where to find your Stay?
The village of Sintra and its surroundings have many places to stay overnight or for holidays. From the best hotels in old farmhouses and palaces to local accommodations, there is plenty to choose from. Use the following Booking tool to be able to choose the best accommodation by location.
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