Tartu is also the most important university center in the country. In cultural terms it is very rich and in it we can find the huge Estonian National Museum, Olympic Museum or AHHAA Science Center, among others museums.
During our trip to Estonia and after visiting the capital we visited Tartu which is about 3 hours by bus. It is a small town quickly explored and made up of many gardens, many green spaces and crossed by a river were we can give a little tour.
The bus ride experience between Tallinne and Tartu was done by the LuxExpress bus company which has buses that exceed all expectations with free WIFI, individual tablet tablets with films and documentaries in several languages and even first class banks.
In Tartu we visited the Estonian National Museum and right next door we visited a house which is upside down. Everything inside the house is upside down giving a spectacular illusion. Worth a visit. And no, the photos below that show the house divisions were not placed upside down. Inside we literally walk through the ceiling.
Estonia National Museum
We stayed at the Dorpat hotel which is right by the river. This hotel is located next to a shopping district with three shopping centers and within walking distance of the city center by the river banks.
In the city center you will find the Town Hall Square or Tartu Raekoja Plats where there are lots of bars and restaurants scattered around the square and adjacent streets. One of the most caricatured is Gunpowder Cellar, a bar / restaurant set within a cave that was once a storage place for gunpowder.
Near Tartu there are also some points of interest. On the way to the shores of the country’s largest lake, Lake Peipsi, we visit Alatskivi Castle, which is surrounded by forest and lakes. This is both a museum and hotel.
Alatskivi Castle
Peipsi Lake
More about the Estonia in this article
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<h2 style=”text-align: justify; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;”>Estonia and Tallinn capital are excellent to visit for a short time because they are small.</h2>
<h2>Tartu map and tartu tips.</h2>
<h2>Tartu the second city in Estonia is also a university center.</h2>
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