Guadix is located next to the A92, near Granada, in direction to Almería and its main feature is its neighborhood of houses in caves.
The soils of the Guadix region are made of sandstones and there are several villages where residents have taken advantage of this feature to make cave houses.
You would certainly think that this type of building was no longer in use today, but the caves are still used by residents and some have been converted into tourist houses. We stayed in one and are very comfortable.
It’s worth stopping for one day and visit Guadix, the Cuevas area (where there is a greater concentration of these caves) and Guadix Cathedral or Castle.
[zt_title type=”double-border”]Guadix map[/zt_title]
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[zt_title type=”double-border”]Plan your trip using the following tools and / or websites[/zt_title]
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{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To find the best hotels rates, use the Booking. It is one of the best booking websites for stays.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To compare prices for stays you can use the Hotels Combined or hotellook. These search engines show the different prices of other websites to the same destination.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} If you need to travel by plane, search for flights on a price comparator. Highly recommend the jetradar.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To search for activities you can access this existing comparator on the scannertrip.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} Transfers to and from the airport can be purchased through the website kiwitaxi. So you do not need to get in touch with the different companies in your destination looking for the best price.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To find the best car rental price you can use the autoeurope website that compares the prices of different companies.
Using the links above and the tools on the website you will helping to keep Scannertrip. For the use of this links and tools you will not pay more for it but for Scannertrip will makes all the difference!
[zt_title type=”double-border”]Pratical Guide[/zt_title]
Guadix is not very big town so it can be visit just passing through. However, if you want to have the experience of living inside one of the caves, you will have to stay overnight.
This spain area its very hot in summer and cold in winter, so the mid season will make your stay more enjoyable.
[zt_title type=”single-border”]Popular stays in Guadix[/zt_title]
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<h2 style=”text-align: justify; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;”>Guadix is a litle town in andaluzia, near granada.</h2>
<h2>Find cuevas en guadix for alquilar.</h2>
<h2>Cuevas in Guadix are caves where you can live.</h2>
<h2>Find in google maps from guadix spain or guadix espanha.</h2>
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