The first question that arises is that its possible to know the city of Bern in one day. The answer is no. We included Bern in our itinerary when we visited Lugano and northern Italy. Bern was a few hours by train from Lugano and we came to know a little more and it was really worth it. Bern’s historic center is not very big and you can easily visit in one day. However, to do so, entry into museums and churches or other points of interest must be limited. This post portrays our experience.
[zt_title type=”double-border”]Map of Bern and some points of interest[/zt_title]
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[zt_title type=”double-border”]City Center[/zt_title]
Our day was essentially based on city center, the old town that is a UNESCO world heritage site. We started the itinerary at Bärengraben, a small zoo and park with brown bears, symbol of the city. Along is Altes Trandeport, a typical brewery that has its own production. In this slightly higher place we have a view of the river and the city center on the other side of the bridge. The city center itself is the main attraction.
We visited the Bern cathedral, a beautiful church that stands out in the middle of the old city with an imposing tower. Near the Bern cathedral, we pass Einsteinhaus, the house where Einstein lived. The house museum is on the second floor and it is said that this is where he wrote the theory of relativity. As we had little time we ended up not visiting. Very close, we stop again to enjoy a clock that besides giving hours is astronomical. There are some figures that move at the right time. Who knows the clock tower of Prague, is something similar, but less spectacular in my opinion.
Close by is a fountain, Kindlifresserbrunnem with the image of an Ogre who eats boys who misbehave at Christmas.
All avenues that we pass are very beautiful, always with some historical and architectural point of interest. It is worth stopping to observe the facades of the buildings of the National Bank of Switzerland, the Federal Palace of Switzerland, and the other churches that come our way.
Compare the prices to Bern. The airport more closer is the Zurique airport
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[zt_title type=”double-border”]Plan your trip using the following tools and / or websites[/zt_title]
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{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To find the best hotels rates, use the Booking. It is one of the best booking websites for stays.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To compare prices for stays you can use the Hotels Combined or hotellook. These search engines show the different prices of other websites to the same destination.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} If you need to travel by plane, search for flights on a price comparator. Highly recommend the jetradar.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To search for activities you can access this existing comparator on the scannertrip.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} Transfers to and from the airport can be purchased through the website kiwitaxi. So you do not need to get in touch with the different companies in your destination looking for the best price.
{source}<i class=”material-icons”>done_outline</i>{/source} To find the best car rental price you can use the autoeurope website that compares the prices of different companies.
Using the links above and the tools on the website you will helping to keep Scannertrip. For the use of this links and tools you will not pay more for it but for Scannertrip will makes all the difference!
[zt_title type=”double-border”]Pratical Guide[/zt_title]
[zt_title type=”single-border”]When visit[/zt_title]
This decision depends on the purpose of the trip. To enjoy the scenery and see some of the cities of Switzerland and northern Italy, the trip can be made during the warmer months to enjoy the baths in the existing lakes. In winter if you want to enjoy the ski resorts.
Border: Be aware that Switzerland does not belong to the Schengen area and has border controls. You must check the required documents in your country before travel to Switzerland.
Costs: With regard to travel, accommodation and meal costs these will certainly be high as Switzerland is a very expensive country. Valid money is Swiss Francs however in some places Euros are also accepted.
Language: The language in this region of Switzerland is German. In Switzerland, German is mainly spoken in the north, center and east of the country. In the west they speak French and in the south, Italian. However they are fluent in several languages, including English.
[zt_title type=”single-border”]Popular resorts in Bern[/zt_title]
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[zt_title type=”single-border”]Search your stays in Booking[/zt_title]
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<div id=”_mcePaste” class=”mcePaste” data-mce-bogus=”1″ style=”position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 2835px; width: 10px; height: 10px; overflow: hidden;”><h2 style=”text-align: justify; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;”>Bern, google maps and photos. Get know in one day.</h2>
<h2>Flights to Bern.</h2>
<h2>City center of bern. The UNESCO heritage.</h2>
<h2>Bern airport its only to internal flights.</h2>
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